
Creating a Natural Dye Palette

Creating a Natural Dye Palette

Creating a Natural Dye Palette

Have you ever wanted to learn to dye your own wool? It turns out that a simple walk through your own backyard garden or along a local trail could yield a wide range of natural colours for your crafting needs. And you may find that you could spend a lifetime exploring all the colour possibilities once you start experimenting. I had been planning on knitting a pair of fingerless mitts for my daughter and I was considering what type of yarn to use. I began to think how wonderful it would be to use fall colours from our local landscape; so, when I saw the opportunity to take a natural dye class, I signed up immediately.

The dye class, called ‘Discover the Natural Dye Palette of Blyth’, focused on teaching students how to forage for plants and resources in the area to create dye colours that reflect the natural world. Our group learned how to prep, mordant, dye and rinse our wool to get natural hues from local foliage, food and flowers collected on a walk along the local trail and through the village of Blyth. Essentially the process of dyeing with natural plant materials can be as detailed or complex as you wish to make it, depending on your level of experience, your skills and the result you are attempting to reach.

Read more in our Issue 49.

Designed by Sharlene Young Bolen