
Tag Archives: Fabric

In my Heart

In my Heart Pattern 2

In my heart there’s always a strong desire to make something out of needle and thread. From this desire flourished an idea to publish a needle arts magazine to showcase like-minded designers who share the same passion for artwork made with needle and thread. Here’s a heart that represents that love. Read more in our […]

BATIK…from the island of the gods, fabric to free the spirit!

Vicky manipulates batik design layout
[columns] [span4]   [/span4][span8] [/span8][/columns] Good to Know part 1 of 2 specifically chose Bali, ‘the island of the gods’, as a vacation destination because of the fabulous batik fabric that is produced there. It was February 1999 and my search for rayon batik fabric led me to Benny and Frida, who, with their two […]