Easter sure snuck up on me this year. As I scramble to decorate at the last minute and get the house ready for company I realize I don’t have an “Easter” quilt. I have quilts or quilted wallhangings for lots of other holidays and celebrations, Christmas, Valentines Day, Summer, Fall slash Thanksgiving and Halloween. But where is my Easter Quilt? I love Easter, the lilies, the family gathered, the hint of spring in the air special services at church, and lets not leave out the bunny and chocolate. Hiding eggs and new clothes for the kids. I love these traditions and I love making new ones yet somehow I don’t have an Easter Quilt. How did that happen? Why did that happen. Well, it’s time to fix it. I am making a plan for an Easter Quilt and while I’m at it I need to think about what other happy celebration I might want a quilt for. Canada day? Of Course! Birthdays? Why not?
How about you? Do you have special quilts either bed, lap or wall hangings for special occasions in your life? I do know this much, next Easter I will share my new Easter Quilt with you!
How about you? Do you have special quilts either bed, lap or wall hangings for special occasions in your life? I do know this much, next Easter I will share my new Easter Quilt with you!