
Tag Archives: wedding gift

Hramnicy Candle Talisman

Hramnicy Candle Talisman

This design is dedicated to Hramnicy holiday that is celebrated in Belarus. Hramnicy can be akin in some way to western European Candlemas Day and Imbolc holidays. One of the characters worshiped and featured on this holy day is a holy candle. Its traditional symbol is in the center of my design. People light up […]

Love & Cherish Talisman Wedding Gift

Love & Cherish Talisman Wedding Gift

Quite long ago, during my first years in Canada, I made a gift for my ESL teacher for her wedding. It was an embroidered piece using the traditional Belarusan symbol of love, Love Doves, a very popular and beloved symbol. I decided to stitch them once again for this very appropriate lovebirds issue. To leave […]