I knew I wanted to create something sea-shell inspired from the brilliant sea blue colour of the Sweet Georgia Tough Love Sock Yarn. I also knew that the lace rib stitch would be the perfect match for it too. This stitch is attractive, clever but simple to work, and fits well and stays up on your leg.
These top-down socks are straightforward and fun to knit – you needn’t be a sock or lace knitting expert to successfully complete the project.
To accommodate the stitch pattern, I’ve done something rather unorthodox. Most sock patterns have the heel worked on half the total sock stitches – I haven’t done that here. This allows me to keep the pattern centered and running neatly down into the foot, with a purl stitch on either side for balance. You can’t tell I’ve ‘cheated’ in the final result – it fits just as well, and looks even better!
Read more in our Spring 2013 issue.
Designed by Kate Atherley
[email protected]