
My Loot Business Cards

My Loot Business Cards

My Loot Business Cards

The story of my loot started way back when, you know, the minute you see something and think, “Oh yes that is exactly what I’m looking for!” and added that special something to my pile. Before I realize it, I started a collection of loot. It could be a piece of ribbon from Aunt Sadie’s treasure basket, a collection of yarns from a friend who mentioned she finished her afghan and had pieces left over, or just something that a neighbour brought thinking you might use, being a crafter.

The best treasure yet is a collection of items I coveted a great many years, from my mom’s stash. Can you imagine all the things she collected over a lifetime? There were ribbons, lace, pieces of wool, oh and those glorious buttons, beads, threads, photos, chunks of fabric and even dryer lint! Added to what I had already stashed away myself, there was certainly enough for what I had in mind. As I was layering my treasures, I imagined my mom working on a piece using ‘that particular lace’, or perhaps finishing a dress with that fabric, or even hand stitching beads in place.

I included snippets from old paper books, pieces of napkins once I removed the inside layers and used the fancy coloured layers, chunks of cotton fabrics, small glass beads, yarns from finished projects, pieces of ribbons, antique lace from my stash, and anything small that was not nailed down and would stick to the Modge Podge. I thought of a way to personalize my project, so I printed out my contact information on my inkjet printer. As a quilting and fibre arts teacher, I used this project to make business cards to hand out at workshops.

Well, it took more time than I want to admit, but the results were one of a kind! When I stuck my contact information to the back of my loot pieces, I was very pleased with the results. Sometimes you have to step outside of the typical to achieve something extraordinary. To obtain something you never had, you need to do something you have never done.

Read more in our Issue 51.
Download the PDF pattern now.

Jean Stephens
Quilting/Fiber Artist
[email protected]