
Hramavik the Thunder Spirit

Hramavik the Thunder Spirit

Hramavik the Thunder Spirit

My Hramavik – Thunder Spirit design is the result of three sources of inspiration: a Belarusan motif pattern, the Trianglepoint stitch technique and the colour palette proposed by A Needle Pulling Thread.
A few years ago, I came across a book from our Toronto Guild of Stitchery Library entitled Trianglepoint by Sherlee Lantz1. The technique introduced by the author impressed me and I was inspired to blend Belarusan motifs with trianglepoint. Moreover, I hadn’t seen any pieces done in this technique and eagerly, I rushed to my computer and immediately designed some preliminary patterns. Strangely enough, for some unexplained reason these patterns were saved and put away – perhaps, they were waiting for their time… When I saw the proposed colour palette for Spring 2011, I remembered these “blue-prints” and thought it was time to dig them out!
I decided to introduce a very famous pattern of Hramavik, which is very well suited for this technique.
When I say ‘famous’ I mean, actually, this pattern is used in folk motifs all around the world; I have seen it in various cultures, and in Native American culture particularly.
The word trianglepoint was created and first used by Sherlee Lantz for her book, published in 1976. It was a new structure system for applying yarn to needlepoint canvas. This structure, like the Bargello technique, made available to the canvas a vast, hitherto unused, brilliant surface covering repertoire of triangle and hexagonal designs. She asserted she just “reinvented” the technique, which means it was inspired by widely used triangle and hexagonal designs in ancient oriental motifs, as well as similar American and English patchwork quilts of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Read more in our Spring 2011 issue.

Designed by Iryna Varabei
Spirit of Belarus