
Zippered Tool Pouch for Rug Hookers

Zippered Tool Pouch for Rug Hookers

Zippered Tool Pouch for Rug Hookers

The Zippered Tool Pouch for rug hookers is designed to use a #6-cut wool on Monks cloth with “quillies” for embellishment.
Make the pouch as shown or add your own flare by changing colours, size, adding or subtracting quillies and other embellishments. You may want to add pockets or divisions to the lining for versatility.
It’s a handy pouch sturdy enough for hooking tools, but versatile and practical enough for anything precious you want to carry. For ambitious rug hookers, you may want to use the same zany technique to make it into a bigger bag or backpack.
Read more in our Spring 2014 issue.

Designed by Val Flannigan