
Eye Candy in a Yarn Shop

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Yarn to me is the equivalent of being in a candy shop when I was child. You know how it is. When you were a kid, the sugary treats captivate your attention and you are overwhelmed with choice to pick just one. Fast forward to adulthood, I get the same emotions when I hit a yarn shop where the yarn speaks to me from the shelves.
In the summer, I was able to attend The National Needlearts Association show (TNNA) in Columbus, Ohio. This show is for retailers, industry experts, designers, and manufacturers to be under one roof. It’s a great place to see some of the new products that will be selected for your LYS.
As an industry contributor and insider, I get to see what potential products may come to market in the future. The reality is that we will never see these fabulous items in stores if people who attend shows like this don’t like the products or feel they are not a good fit. Sadly to say, some of the best ideas could be squashed because industry experts are deciding what is best for the public.
Read more in our Fall 2012 issue.

Article by Michael Sellick