Rosalie I. Tennison, Copy Editor for ANPTmag, had the pleasure to interview Diane Ayles for an Artist Profile in our Summer 2013 issue. In the Artist Profile, we explored Diane Ayles’ exquisite hooked wool art, and discovered that it’s her interest in art and history that brought her to express her love for the beauty found in nature in the art of hooking rugs. Diane talked about people who influenced her most to accelerate her artistic journey, as well as her favourite techniques, and her challenges in getting her inspiration onto a canvas. But it’s in her hooked pieces like Ever So Serene that her ability to capture the most intricate details with wool, colour, and skill, is obvious.
We’ve caught up with Diane this year to visit her most recent magnificent hooked pieces, and it’s evident that the beauty found in nature is still her biggest source of inspiration. She is brilliant in representing the magnificent essence of nature with wool on canvas.
Read more in our Fall 2014 issue.
Diane Ayles
[email protected]