
Pavouk Talisman 2 A Reversible Ornament


The Straw Pavouk, which translates to Straw Spider, is among the oldest talismans in Belarus. It was traditionally hung in the most honourable place before the New Year to protect the house and the family throughout the upcoming year.
The Pavouk is assembled from light straw tubes and looks weightless and lacy. When suspended from the ceiling, it resembles a skillfully woven web, hence the name spider. Belarusians believed that any evil forces, misfortunes, or diseases that get tangled in the web would be taken away by the spider, keeping peace and harmony in the family.

For this issue, Iryna Varabei designed an embroidered Pavouk that resembles the one made of straw, and she hopes it can bring happiness and wellness to those who stitch it.

The ‘Turning Rows’ method is used for this design. It’s recommended to try the smaller project done with this method first as in the Belarusan Nizanka Snowflake ornaments published in Issue 48 – Iryna

skill level Advanced
finished measurements excluding fringe 4½” [11cm] square
stitch count 65 x 65 stitches